Status & Metrics

The Intelligence Hub provides visual feedback of the status of Connections and Pipelines and also makes this status information and performance metrics available as source data in the system. This allows for triggering using status and metric changes, as well as making this data available to monitoring applications.

This section covers the status and metric information available for each object.

Connection Status

Connection status is reported through the main Connections view, as well as on the Details tab for each connection.

A Connection’s status is set to Good when the connection is successfully established. Note: Some connection types, like file connections are always Good as there is no physical connection.

A Connection’s status is set to Bad when the connection is not successfully established (e.g., MQTT server cannot be reached, HTTP server is not available or authentication fails).

The Connection status also shows the last error message for the Connection. When a connection transitions from a Bad state to Good state a message is logged to the event log. Select the Log menu option to view more details on the error.

Connections expose status and metric information under the System.Connections.<connectionName> reference. Below is the information exposed for each connection.

Metric Description
name The name of the connection.
lastError The last error message produced by the connection.
healthy True if the connection is in a good state, false if it’s in an error state.
storeAndForwardEnabled True/False if store and forward is enabled for the Connection.
status The status string of the connection (Good or Bad).
statistics.pendingWrites The number of writes queued to send. When Store & Forward is enabled, this shows how many writes are pending to send.
statistics.droppedWrites In the event that the write queue fills up for in memory or store and forward, and new writes are dropped, this metric is a count of how many writes are dropped since the last time the connection was established.
statistics.outputs An array of all the outputs and the pending and dropped writes for each output.

Pipeline Status

Pipeline status is reported through the Status and Replay tools in the Pipeline Graph.

Like Connection Status, Pipeline Status includes Good/Bad status, last error messages etc. In addition to that, Pipelines also provide the same status information for each Stage.

A Pipeline is in an error state if any of its Stages were in an error state on the last Execution of the Pipeline, and in Good status if there were no errors on the last execution.

A Pipeline Stage is in an error state if any event produced an error in the last Execution of the pipeline. Previous executions can be inspected in detail using the Replay tool.

Pipeline/Stage status and metric information is available under the System.Pipelines.<pipelineName> reference. Below is the information exposed for each pipeline.

Metric Description
name The name of the pipeline.
lastError The last error message produced by the pipeline.
state Good or Bad.
healthy True if the connection is in a good state, false if it’s in an error state.
status The status string of the connection (Good or Bad).
stageStatus An array of the status objects for each stage. See below table for details.
statistics An object with statistics for the pipeline executions. See below table for details
Stage Status Metric Description
name The name of the stage.
lastError The last error message produced by the stage.
pipelineName The name of the parent pipeline.
state Good or Bad.
healthy True if the connection is in a good state, false if it’s in an error state.
Pipeline Statistics Description
idle True if the pipeline is not processing any events. False otherwise.
totalRuns The total number of events processed by the pipeline
totalErrors The total number of pipeline execution errors.
queuedWrites The number of writes waiting to be processed by the pipeline.
lastCompleteTime The last time the pipeline completed processing an event.
executingSamples An object containing the mean, min, max, standard deviation, and sample count. (since the last time the pipeline was saved)
waitingSamples An object containing the mean, min, max, standard deviation, and sample count. (since the last time the pipeline was saved)
stages An array that contains statistics for each of the pipeline’s stages. See below table for details.
Stage Statistics Description
stageName The name of the stage.
totalRuns The total number of events processed by the stage.
totalErrors The total number of stage event errors.
lastCompleteTime The last time the stage completed processing an event.
executingSamples An object containing the mean, min, max, standard deviation, sample count. (since the last time the pipeline was saved)

Internal Sources

The hub also exposes internal sources that are not linked to configuration objects. These are available under the System.Internal.<name> reference and described below.

Internal Source Description
DateTime The current UTC time of the server in ISO8601 UTC format.