
Before starting the installation, ensure all required dependencies are installed.

Extract Installation

  1. Extract HighByte-Intelligence-Hub-x.x to a location where you have read/write/execute privileges in order run HighByte Intelligence Hub.

Setup Application Data Directory (Recommended)

By default, the application configuration and settings are stored in the appData directory within the product zip. The application start scripts use the appData/intelligencehub-settings.json file to locate application state and store-forward data in this location. It is recommended that appData be maintained this way to make product upgrades easy. The appData and storeForward directories are controlled using the the object in the intelligencehub-settings.json file.

Example: Store application data in a custom location

Assume a user would prefer to store appData and storeForwardData in a custom location of their home directory. Before launching the runtime, open runtime\appData\intelligencehub-settings.json in a text editor. Update the appData and storeForwardData settings as shown, make sure the custom directories exist, and configure permissions to allow the application to read/write to these directories. The next time the application is started all application and store-forward data is located into the custom directories. Data stored previously can not be automatically relocated.

"settings": {
    "directories" : {
        "appData" : "C:\\HighByte\\appData",
        "storeForwardData" : "C:\\HighByte\\storeForwardData"

Note on Windows backslashes must be escaped using \\ syntax.

Start Runtime

To launch the runtime in a command shell, open a shell and navigate to the runtime directory. Start the runtime by executing the start-[OS] file associated with your OS (e.g., start-windows.bat, ./, ./

The runtime will begin logging event messages to the console upon startup.

Stop Runtime

To stop the runtime safely, execute the corresponding stop-[OS] script. This will ensure the runtime completes any outstanding work (e.g., persisting configuration updates, storing data for future forwarding, etc.) before shutting down.

Run as Windows Service

When running on Windows it is recommended to run as a service. To install the Intelligence Hub as a service run the runtime\service\install-windows-service.bat script. Note, this feature requires Java to be in the system PATH environment variable. If you are unsure if this was set when you installed Java check out this link:

Once installed, the service can be found in Windows Services Manager under the name HighByte Intelligence Hub Runtime.

Executing the file runtime\service\uninstall-windows-service.bat will stop and uninstall the service.

Setup system.d service on Linux

NOTE: In order to install to the example directory and use systemctl you will need super user permission.

Copy the runtime, configuration, and appData directories from HighByte-Intelligence-Hub-x.x to the desired installation directory. This example will use /opt/highbyte.

Once complete, the directory listing should look like:

$ ls /opt/highbyte/
configuration  runtime appData

Make sure the start and stop scripts have execute permissions: sudo chmod +x /opt/highbyte/runtime/*

Create /etc/systemd/system/highbyte.service. This minimal example service file will automatically start the Intelligence Hub during system boot-up.

To install the service run: sudo systemctl enable highbyte.service

To start the service run: sudo systemctl start highbyte.service

To verify the service started successfully run: sudo systemctl status highbyte.service