Cron Triggers fire at a specific time based on a Cron string. For example, the Trigger can be configured to fire every Monday at 8am. When enabled, the trigger uses the system clock and Cron string to determine when to fire. The trigger fires empty events, and includes the time of the event in the metadata.
Cron schedules use system clock time and are subject to time zone changes. Unix-style cron syntax is supported. The general form of the cron string is minute hour day month day-of-week
. For example, 0 0 * * *
will trigger at midnight every day.
Configures the schedule to use UTC or local time.
Choices include None and Schedule Events. When set to Schedule Events the trigger will log an information message each time a new trigger time is calculated.
Event Values
"timestamp": "2024-06-24T13:37:06.663Z"