
An Input represents a readable path to a data point on a Connection. This section covers general settings and configuration across all Inputs. See Connections for protocol specific settings.

Create an Input

  1. Navigate to Connections in the configuration’s Main Menu and select a connection. Inside the selected connection navigate to the Inputs menu item. Here you can add, edit, and view inputs.

List Inpus

  1. Depending on the type of connection you may be able to Browse and import one or more Inputs (e.g., OPC UA). Alternatively, you can click the New Input to manually configure an input.

    • Click the Browse button to View and Select the desired inputs. When finished, click the Import Selected button.
      Input Browse
    • Click the New Input button to manually configure an input.
      New Input
  2. Set any General and Protocol Specific Settings. Click Submit to add the input and return to the input list. General Settings are described below.

All inputs have the following general settings

General Settings


Specifies the name of the input. The name must be unique across all inputs for the specified connection. Names can only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters (e.g., A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or _).


When enabled, specifies how long the input’s value is cached and reused internally after a successful read from the underlying connection. Once the cached value’s lifetime expires, the cache is invalidated and a new read is issued to the underlying connection. The lifetime interval is specified in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Valid range is between 10 milliseconds and 36 days. Note: The cached value and its lifetime is persisted to disk and used across product runs until the value expires.


Input templates help reduce configuration when many inputs have similar settings with only minor differences.

An example of this is an OPC UA server that has tag groupings that represent motors where each is represented by multiple tags whose address only differs by a motorID. In this case, a single OPC UA Input can be created with a parameter (motorID) with an appropriate value range to create multiple inputs.

Please refer to the Templating for details.

Input Indexing

Some inputs support indexing to read historical data. For example, indexing can be used with SQL reads to only read new records from a table. Indexing is setup in the Connection specific input settings, but the current value of an Index can be viewed or cleared under the Index menu for the input.

Test Reads

All inputs support test reads using the “Read Input” button. Test reads perform a read using the current input settings, and return a result in JSON format. Test reads do not impact index caching, time out after 60 seconds. Reads greater than 256KB are truncated and a partial result is returned.

Protocol Specific Settings

See Connections for Protocol Specific Settings.