
A Connection represents a path to a data source that contains inputs that can be read and/or outputs that can be written to. To view all Connections, click Connect in the configuration’s Main Menu. To create a new connection, do the following.

  1. Click Create Connection.

List Connections

  1. Enter a Name to represent the connection. Names can only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters (e.g., A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or _). Optionally enter in a Description for the connection. Click Next to continue.

New Connection

  1. Select the Protocol. Depending on the protocol. Click Next to continue.

New Connection Protocol

  1. Set any Connection General and Protocol Specific Settings. Click Submit to add the connection and return to the main Connection page. General Settings are described below.

General Settings

The following settings are supported by all Connections:

Store and Forward

All writes are in first in first out order (FIFO). When store and forward is enabled, all writes are first sent to disk and only cleared from disk after the write succeeds. Writes are stored in a sqlite file located in the store and forward directory configured in the application settings. The file is named intelligencehub-writestore-{{connection name}}.db, and contains a table for each unique output for the connection. When store and forward is disabled, failed writes are not retired.

To view the status of store and forward, and manually clear stored writes, see the Connection Statistics section below.

Setting Description
Enabled Specifies whether store and forward is enabled for the connection.
Max Entries Per Output Maximum number of writes per output to store. Once the maximum is reached, any new writes are discarded. Upon re-establishing a connection, stored outputs are written in the same order they were entered into the store (FIFO). An output’s write entry is only removed from the store once it has been successfully written to the destination. All stored output writes are written as fast as possible to ensure the delivery of newer data is not stalled.
Failure Wait Interval How long to wait before retrying to write the next batch of stored entries when a connection has failed. The interval can be specified in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days. Valid range is between 10 milliseconds and 36 days. Once the connection is re-established, writes are handled as described above.


Setting Description
Flatten Modeled Values When enabled, hierarchy in the output data is flattened. For example, output data that contains parent { child: 123 } is flattened to parent_child: 123. This option is not shown for connections that do not support hierarchy (e.g., SQL) and values are flattened by default.

Connection Statistics

The Connection Statistics tab shows the overall health of the connection and the status of writes.

Statistic Description
Healthy Shows if the connection is established or is in error.
Error If the connection is in error, this shows the last error message.
Pending Writes The number of writes that are pending in memory or in the store and forward file. For healthy connections this should not be growing over time.
Dropped Writes The number of writes that have been dropped by the connection because the in memory buffer of 10000 writes per output OR the store and forward size has been exceeded.

The user can also select one or more outputs and clear the pending writes. This is useful in cases where store and forward has built up and you no longer want to send the data to the target.

Protocol Specific Settings

See Connections for Protocol Specific Settings.