Compare Hubs

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Central Configuration can be used to quickly compare individual configuration objects or entire projects between two hubs. To compare objects, perform the following steps.

  1. Click Project and select the Compare tab.

  2. The Source hub is the current hub you are configuring.

  3. The Target is the hub being compared to.

  4. Select Full Project to compare everything to the target. If Full Project is disabled, use the browse and select feature to select Tags or individual objects to compare. When selecting a Tag, all objects with that Tag are selected. You can then de-select any objects that you don’t wish to compare.

  5. Click Compare.

  6. The Complete page shows the results of the comparison, including objects that are different or missing on the target. To see the difference between the object on the source and the object on the target hub, users can expand each element. Users can also select a set of elements using the checkboxes and click the Sync Selected button to pre-populate the sync page with the selected elements and the target.

Central Config Compare